Our commitment to be more efficient and responsible is reflected in the extensive work we do to reduce our environmental footprint and improve safety. 

Climate action is a core component of our sustainability strategy, and we set targets to allow our stakeholders to measure our steady progress toward reducing the impacts of climate change.

2022 Highlights


Demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement along our sustainability journey, we replaced our original greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy intensity goals with an absolute emissions goal to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline.

We have made tremendous progress toward that target, accomplishing 35% reduction in 2022.



We achieved a 20% reduction in the total recordable injury and illness rate in 2022 compared to our 2019 baseline.

175 operations leaders from over 26 countries participated in 全球最大网赌正规平台’s EHS Operations Leadership course.

Our Commitment to Climate Action

全球最大网赌正规平台 recognizes the urgent need to lower the impacts of climate change to preserve a sustainable future for generations to come. We have aligned our operational framework with the Paris Agreement and its science-based goal of limiting the Earth’s temperature increase to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius. It is our aim to ensure GHG emissions data and goals are meaningful, measurable, and verifiable, reflecting the carbon footprint of our true value chain. Climate action is a core component of our sustainability strategy, and we set targets to allow our stakeholders to measure our steady progress toward reducing the impacts of climate change.

Capturing Waste Energy

全球最大网赌正规平台’s site in Grove City, Pennsylvania, conducted lean workouts to identify projects that could eliminate energy waste at the plant. The team uncovered a tremendous opportunity to use the energy untapped from the diesel engine testing performed at the plant to power the site. The power generation can be redirected to address more than 40% of the Grove City site electrical usage, enough energy to power 1,000 average households in the U.S.

Trains of Thought│全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation